Mar 13, 2011


I am so far behind on this.  

That being said, the idea to "redesign the recipe" came from the witty people over at GOOD.  I took a slightly different perspective than most of the other entrants, who seemed to focus on cooking for adults.  Maybe because I already love to cook, when I read the original call for submissions [ here ], my thoughts immediately traveled to a young generation of cooks who knows little of being involved in the kitchen; much less in the preparation of their own meals.  And how to get kiddos to cook? I imagine this way enticing with tasty ingredients (and results!), seducing with silliness, but still challenging with ordering directions and measuring.  

You can see the brilliant submissions from artists / designers / foodies all over the place [ here ], and even vote for your favorite thru April 4th. I am still kicking myself for not making the submission deadline (especially since there were only 22 submissions!), but nevertheless, I had a blast playing and imagining the excitement of a 7 year-old boy reading a monster comic while enjoying his brownies. 

(If you love illustrated recipes as much as I do, have a look at "they draw & cook" a blog full of 'em!!)