Feb 22, 2011


Just a teaser (minus the text)....    This is another fun little monster project that I'm working on for a competition of sorts.  Hopefully it will be up by the end of the week, I have other things I want to do!

Feb 12, 2011


The first in what may turn into a series of "exercises."   Since we moved into our little apartment, this is the view that greets me every morning.  The random assortment of furniture conglomerated in the backyard can be nothing short of a supernatural "meeting of monsters."  Or maybe it just makes work more fun to imagine so...  

Despite our loving relationship, it's been a long time since I've used Adobe Illustrator to create anything, so don't hate on the skill level. This was more or less a warm-up to get back into the flow of shortcuts, manipulating, and layering that Illustrator supports.  I even attempted to do a few things the hard way, just to make sure that I still knew how.

It's been awhile since I stretched my imagination and this really was a fun thing to play with. These old houses really are full of monsters.....


: A reto-post.

I knitted (purled, technically) these covers about a year ago. It was my first experience knitting in-the-round, and a happy accident. Since it's snowing very hard today, and I'm contemplating which flavor of tea I'm in the mood for, another knit project seems appropriate.  I have a stash of old projects that I'm finding as I clean off my hard drive, and I think I'll try and spread them out a bit as creativity is moving slowly.  I can't wait for this bout of forced hibernation to come to an end! 

Feb 10, 2011


Just the beginnings of a scarf I'm working on...  One of the first stores I visited when we moved was Joann's fabrics, to get new buttons for a coat (necessary.) Obviously, I couldn't pass this up, It's navy and sky blue, wool, and super-chunky and it was on sale.  I'm knitting it with 10 1/2's. I've never used the super-thick yarn before, but I'm loving it because it makes it go so fast! 

I'm also trying to teach myself to handle ribbing better.  I get all lost in the yarn in front/ yarn in back thing, but it's coming along.  Soon I'll be able to attempt my leg warmers (hah!) and the dorky dog sweater that's going to make Turk into a hipster-dog. Ha ha.